Wow looks like there'll be a lot of different vehicles!
Gosh that's a big map isn't it!
I think my eyes are playing tricks on me because it looks kind of like a lady's head to me, with a lot of curly hair piled up in a Georgian style.
Seems like the city itself is all compacted down at the bottom of the map (giving my Georgian lady's neck a nice lacy collar) with lots of open space in the north. The contour lines (of her curly hair) suggest hills on the map. I wonder if GTA players will be able to go up into the hills.
And yes I'm aware this post makes no sense to anyone but me. I'm a bit tired this morning!
I wonder if Minty will play GTA this time round?
I found the last one was really fun to watch. I hope that you can still shoot the pigeons in V.
Can't wait for GTA 4 to come out, Hurry up!!!