02-11-2013, 07:37 PM
04-11-2013, 11:21 PM
Well they already have wii in old folks' homes so why not playstation. That's ace! 

21-11-2013, 03:20 AM
I just got GTAV a few weeks ago. I don't have much time to play, but so far it is a ton of fun! There was only one part that I did not enjoy so far. Highlight if you want to see.The torture scene was too involved and intense for me. I would have preferred a way to bypass it, but there was none. The rest of it has been a blast though!
23-03-2014, 01:46 PM
The flying lessons are quite challenging! The tennis is weird and so is the yoga. Good fun, this game, though. The level of detail on such a big map is amazing. I can see why it cost so much in time and money to produce this.
25-04-2015, 08:23 PM
OK I got Grand Theft Auto V for the PC.
It took THREE SHITGIBBONING HOURS to install, by which time I couldn't be arsed playing it & have decided to watch the last of the Hobbit movies instead.

It took THREE SHITGIBBONING HOURS to install, by which time I couldn't be arsed playing it & have decided to watch the last of the Hobbit movies instead.

26-04-2015, 08:05 AM
Aw, sorry about your shitgibboning hours. I hope you like the game after all that effort. I can't really imagine how you would play it on a PC - how do you drive the cars? With keyboard keys? Or do you have a joystick. I haven't played a computer game requiring a joystick for well over a decade!
27-04-2015, 11:34 PM
OK, I have now played the game for three hours since I got it.
I have to say that I am not impressed.
The beginning seemed promising, apart from the clunky gunfights. It all went downhill when I switched to this Franklin muppet. First I'm stealing cars to order, which involves opening the door & driving off without any effort or anyone trying to stop me. Next I'm chasing someone with a rottweiler for some reason, bundling him into the back of a van for some reason, before letting him go for some reason. The final straw was going to tow a car with a tow truck with some skank riding co-pilot - wow what fun!
Between all these incredibly dull set pieces, it's in depth conversations with Franklin's "bros" & "bitches", which seems a never ending series of "F**kin'" this, "N*gga" that, & "F**kin' N*gga" the other in a city so dank, bland & depressing it's like my daily commute to work.
Oh, & a hilarious part when the rottweiler runs off to shag another dog. In an even more hilarious twist, it is having butt s3x with the other dog. The big macho accessory dog is gayer than a gay thing just made Professor of Gayness at California's Rainbow University.
Am I sounding sarcastic? Am I sounding highly unimpressed? Maybe because tonight, I put the game on, ignored the "do this next" I was supposed to do, & instead jumped into the first car I could find & drove. The sad part was I had more enjoyment doing this than I'd had doing all those missions to date. Even so after half an hour's aimless driving, I quit the game & don't think I'll be bothering touching it again until the weekend.

I have to say that I am not impressed.
The beginning seemed promising, apart from the clunky gunfights. It all went downhill when I switched to this Franklin muppet. First I'm stealing cars to order, which involves opening the door & driving off without any effort or anyone trying to stop me. Next I'm chasing someone with a rottweiler for some reason, bundling him into the back of a van for some reason, before letting him go for some reason. The final straw was going to tow a car with a tow truck with some skank riding co-pilot - wow what fun!
Between all these incredibly dull set pieces, it's in depth conversations with Franklin's "bros" & "bitches", which seems a never ending series of "F**kin'" this, "N*gga" that, & "F**kin' N*gga" the other in a city so dank, bland & depressing it's like my daily commute to work.
Oh, & a hilarious part when the rottweiler runs off to shag another dog. In an even more hilarious twist, it is having butt s3x with the other dog. The big macho accessory dog is gayer than a gay thing just made Professor of Gayness at California's Rainbow University.
Am I sounding sarcastic? Am I sounding highly unimpressed? Maybe because tonight, I put the game on, ignored the "do this next" I was supposed to do, & instead jumped into the first car I could find & drove. The sad part was I had more enjoyment doing this than I'd had doing all those missions to date. Even so after half an hour's aimless driving, I quit the game & don't think I'll be bothering touching it again until the weekend.

28-04-2015, 08:49 AM
Oh dear. Very sorry, Minty. 

01-05-2015, 08:54 AM
Sorry to hear you aren't enjoying it, hope you feel better about the game as it progresses.
I enjoyed the game a fair bit. I was always fascinated how Grand Theft Auto portrays American culture in such a satire manner, exaggerating stereotypes, showing faults with today's society, even if it does take things too far in some areas.
In the overall story, I don't think it quite beats GTA IV-Once you get right into the story in GTA V the missions are more interesting, but where the story fails (in my eyes) is the aspect of multiple protagonists. There was no one character that stuck out as the main protagonist-or antagonist for that matter, and I feel the story suffered a little because of that. Yes it was good to have a bit of variety in the gameplay, but in the story there were a few conflicts between the protagonists, but there isn't one character you can really sympathise with. There are also multiple antagonists, each of them only appear in few missions, so you don't realy feel much anger towards them. There is no character to really fall in love with or to hate with passion, in the end I feel the story falls flat on it's face, and that's that.
Oops, I didn't mean to go into review mode there, but oh well.
I enjoyed the game a fair bit. I was always fascinated how Grand Theft Auto portrays American culture in such a satire manner, exaggerating stereotypes, showing faults with today's society, even if it does take things too far in some areas.
In the overall story, I don't think it quite beats GTA IV-Once you get right into the story in GTA V the missions are more interesting, but where the story fails (in my eyes) is the aspect of multiple protagonists. There was no one character that stuck out as the main protagonist-or antagonist for that matter, and I feel the story suffered a little because of that. Yes it was good to have a bit of variety in the gameplay, but in the story there were a few conflicts between the protagonists, but there isn't one character you can really sympathise with. There are also multiple antagonists, each of them only appear in few missions, so you don't realy feel much anger towards them. There is no character to really fall in love with or to hate with passion, in the end I feel the story falls flat on it's face, and that's that.
Oops, I didn't mean to go into review mode there, but oh well.

29-05-2015, 08:31 PM
I'm glad I decided to listen to all of you (& those elsewhere) telling me to perservere.
I have to say I did like the multiple characters to control, & the game story was very well done. I have to wonder, does ANYONE do anything else at the end other than choose the 3rd way? I did like the way that one moment you'd be pissed at each character, the next see where they're coming from.
That golf game's a tricky son of a bitch, but addictive, although not as addictive as going down the freeway in a motorbike throwing sticky bombs onto all the HGVs & exploding them before escaping cross country

I have to say I did like the multiple characters to control, & the game story was very well done. I have to wonder, does ANYONE do anything else at the end other than choose the 3rd way? I did like the way that one moment you'd be pissed at each character, the next see where they're coming from.
That golf game's a tricky son of a bitch, but addictive, although not as addictive as going down the freeway in a motorbike throwing sticky bombs onto all the HGVs & exploding them before escaping cross country