Simple: Just say ToF: dfja;dsklfjd;fkds and then just go on with it.
It can be personal (unless they choose not to answer) or educational. XD
Let's start:
ToF: You like pie!
ToF: you prefer pah to pie!
ToF: I like pah. XD
true or false: you know someone who's name begins with T
Nope. Not off the top of my head.
ToF: you like tucker.
{blush} ya kinda sorta
ToF: ahsjhajhdjsksad. sajdkjsa?
ToF: You're going to play Sims soon like me.
true lol
ToF: you think of me daily, as you should XD
Eww no. I NEVER think about you. XD
jk ness
ToF: You are scratching your head right now.
no lol
im drawing random hearts
Tof: you are thinking about dinner