naughty Amazon shipped some copies of GTA5 too early, breaking the embargo. Perhaps they didn't expect in their wildest imaginations that the postal service would actually deliver the boxes so far in advance of the proper date!
Lucky people, getting their paws on the game for the weekend!
Not just yet, I have to wait another 4-12 working days until it's shipped to my house from the UK.
Well I hope for your sake it's closer to the 4 days than the 12! You should have had me pick up your copy and then I could have rushed it over by courier.
Lots of buses going round London at the moment with GTA5 posters on them. Also lots of people still ogling the post on the billboard out on the street. I keep mentioning it at home to see if anyone takes the bait and decides to play it (I did see Head of IT reading about it online so I think that a bit more work on my part and she might cave in lol)...
Luckily I'm being quite distracted for the week with a program at school where I have to go in to the city, so I'm not constantly on edge with antcipation.
Currently it looks like Grand Theft Auto V is living up to the hype with most of the reviews giving it a perfect score, but some of those reviewers can feel quite pressured in to giving it a perfect, I mean seriously the gamespot reviewer gave it a 9/10 (which is a great score) and for whatever reason a ton of people are upset about this, saying that the reviewer should be fired and (I'm guessing) that they have recieved death threats, it's out of control, it was just their opinion. Anyway I'm going to eventually write my own review here .
The city, eh? Sounds interesting.
Yes, I saw some really crazy stuff on Twitter yesterday while looking at GTA5 stuff (my RL Twitter not Caspin's) - someone made a comment that was not 100% positive and suddenly they were being attacked by all and sundry. Some really cutting remarks were made and it all got rather personal. I found it astonishing.
Anyway, I will look forward to your review in due course, Ollie.
I did not realise that Rockstar also made Lemmings. God I loved that game! I played it as a kid on my Amiga (I think it was on my Amiga).

My Amiga was my first computer and it came with a lengthy video to teach you how to use that revolutionary and bizarre new technology - the mouse! I used to play Lemmings, Police Quest, Dizzy (some weird game with a walking egg that collected coins) and something with zombies. I think I remember Wordsworth and there was some kind of publishing programme as well that I used to write up notes for school. Also me and my brother played all those games with Guybrush Threepwood and pirates (what the hell are they called?!) but I can't remember whether that was on the Amiga or the next computer we bought.
Anyway, I digress.
This thread needs to go back to GTA5 - or at least it will when Ollie's parcel arrives in Oz, or if Minty caves in and becomes a GTA fan (in which case, please could one of you stop by occasionally on a rota or something, so I don't get lonely!)

Well GTA V has turned out to be quite a hit with approximately $800 million in sales within 24 hours, smashing records ( Just the other day analyst predicted that GTA V would make $1 billion in its first month, but wow it's already at 80%, at this rate it would seem that they probably have already made it to $1 billion.
Edit: They made it to a $1 billion in only three days!
I expect to receive my copy tomorrow or the day after.
I saw that your game arrived, Ollie - hoorah! Have a great time playing.
There is a
bug involving parked cars disappearing out of garages, so don't go doing that and losing your fancy wheels:
"The makers of Grand Theft Auto V (GTA V) have warned players about parking cars in garages in the game until a bug can be fixed.
Rockstar Games say they are looking into a glitch that sometimes causes cars to lose upgrades or completely disappear from safe houses.
In the meantime, please try to avoid parking a car in a garage, driving one already in a garage, or getting in a default vehicle, when playing as a character other than the one with your upgrades.
Also please note that vehicles saves in the garage of one safe house (Franklin's Aunt's) may not show up in the garage of a different safe house (Franklin's Vinewood Hills)."